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第一条 为了促进沿海开放城市和沿海经济开放区的发展,根据《中华人民共和国海关法》和国家对沿海开放城市、沿海经济开放区的有关政策法规,制定本规定。
第二条 本规定适用于经国家批准的沿海开放城市和沿海经济开放区(以下简称“开放市、区”)。
第三条 开放市、区内从事进出口业务的外贸企业、生产企业,应持国家规定的主管部门的批准证件向海关办理注册登记手续。
第四条 开放市、区进出口的货物,应当由收发货人或其代理人填写进出口货物报关单如实向海关审报,并按国家规定交验进出口许可证件和其他有关单证。
第五条 本规定第三条所述企业对经批准减免税的进出口货物应该建立专门帐册,定期向海关报告有关货物的使用、销售、加工、出口、库存等情况。有条件的企业经海关批准可以建立保税仓库或保税工厂,海关按保税仓库或保税工厂的管理办法进行管理。
第六条 开放市、区的单位或企业进出口下列货物,其关税和工商统一税(或产品税、或增值税)可享受以下优惠:
第七条 开放市、区内进口的减免税物资只限于本单位本项目使用,未经主管部门批准并办结海关手续,不得擅自转让、出售或移作他用。
第八条 开放市、区使用免税进口料件加工装配的制成品应复运出口。
第九条 加工出口项目进口料件或加工后的半成品需转厂加工时,必须在海关监管下进行,并按海关有关规定办理。
第十条 开放市、区进出口的货物属国家限制进出口和实行许可证管理的商品,按照国家的有关规定办理。
第十一条 凡违反本规定或海关其他规定的走私行为及违反海关监管规定的行为,由海关依照《中华人民共和国海关法》和其他有关法规的规定进行处理。
第十二条 本规定自一九八九年四月一日起实施。


(Promulgated on February 15, 1989 by Decree No. 5 of the CustomsGeneral Administration)

Whole Doc.
Article 1
These Regulations are formulated pursuant to "The Customs Law of the
People's Republic of China" and relevant policies, laws and regulations
for the coastal opening cities and coastal economic opening areas to
promote the development of the opening cities and economic opening areas.
Article 2
These Regulations are applicable to the State-approved coastal
opening cities and coastal economic opening areas (hereinafter referred to
as opening cities and areas).
(1) "The coastal opening cities" refer to the city proper of the 14
coastal port cities such as Tianjin, Shanghai, Dalian, Qinhuangdao,
Yantai, Qingdao, Lianyungang, Nantong, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Fuzhou, Guangzhou,
Zhanjiang and Beihai, and the proper of other cities that enjoy the status
of a coastal opening city as approved by the State Council.
(2) "The coastal economic opening areas" refer to the Yangtze River
Delta, the Pearl River Delta, the Xiamen- Zhangzhou-Quanzhou Triangular
Area in South Fujian, the Liaodong and Jiaodong peninsulas, the proper of
the opening cities in the defined domain of other regions in the coastal
areas, the areas just outside a city gate of key counties (or key
industrial satellite townships approved by the people's government of a
province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the
central government), and villages governed by the above-said cities and
counties where agricultural technologies are imported through foreign-
funded projects for the development of export and where there are bases
for producing agricultural products and factories for the processing of
primary agricultural products.
Article 3
Foreign trade enterprises and production enterprises engaging in
import and export business in the opening cities and areas shall register
with the Customs authorities with documents approved by departments in
charge designated by the State.
Article 4
For goods leaving or entering the opening cities or areas,
consignors, consignees or their agents shall fill out declaration forms
and declare accurately to the Customs and hand in import and export
licences or other documents, bills or certificates for check-up in
accordance with State-prescribed regulations.
Article 5
Enterprises should keep special account books for goods imported or
exported that have been authorized exemption or reduction of tax, and
regularly report to the Customs on the use, marketing, processing, export
and storage of the relevant goods. Bonded warehouses or factories may be
established by qualified enterprises with the approval of the Customs, and
the bonded warehouses and factories shall be controlled by the Customs
according to regulations.
When necessary, the Customs may send officials to relevant
enterprises or industrial satellite townships to handle Customs procedures
for goods imported or exported and exercise actual control over them.
Relevant enterprises and industrial satellite townships shall provide the
Customs with places and facilities necessary for handling official
Article 6
For the following goods imported or exported by units or enterprises
in the opening cities or areas, preferences are offered in connection with
tariffs and industrial and commercial consolidated tax (or product tax or
value-added tax):
(1) Imported equipment and building materials for production and
management as investment (including additional investment) by foreign
investment enterprises (including Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures,
contractual joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises); imported
raw materials, parts, components, and packing materials which are actually
used for the production of exports; reasonable amount of means of
transport and office equipment imported by the above-said enterprises for
their own use with expenses defrayed from their investment; household
appliances and reasonable amount of means of transport imported by foreign
investors and foreign technicians and staff members for their own use are
exempted from tax.
Exports (except products of which export is restricted by the State)
of foreign investment enterprises are exempted from tax.
Reasonable amount of office equipment and means of transport imported
by resident offices of foreign enterprises in the coastal opening cities
for their own use are exempted from tax.
(2) Key equipment, instruments and meters and other necessary
equipment imported for the technological renovation of the existing
enterprises, that China cannot produce for the time being or cannot ensure
their supply, are exempted from tax before 1990 regardless of the sources
of foreign exchange.
(3) In villages governed by opening cities and counties in the
defined domain of the coastal economic opening areas, seeds, seedlings,
breeding stocks, feeds, pesticides and medicines for the protection of
plants and animals, machines and tools for farming, planting, breeding,
agricultural product processing appliances and other necessary technology
and equipment imported for the development of the processing projects for
the exporting of agricultural products are exempted from tax before 1990
regardless of the sources of foreign exchange.
Article 7
Imported materials of the opening cities and areas with the exemption
or reduction of tax are used by projects and units only and cannot be
transferred, sold or used for other purposes without authorization of
departments in charge and after Customs procedures have been wound up.
Article 8
In the opening cities and areas, manufactured products processed or
assembled with imported materials, parts and components that are exempted
from tax shall be re-exported.
When the manufactured products referred to in the preceding section
of this Article are switched to be sold in the home market upon approval,
enterprises concerned shall report to the Customs authorities in advance
and go through import procedures according to regulations. Meanwhile the
Customs shall levy the exempted tariffs on materials, parts and components
Article 9
Import of materials, parts and components for export-oriented
processing projects or the transfer of processed semi-manufactured
products to another factory for processing shall be carried out under the
supervision and control of the Customs and shall be handled according to
the Customs regulations.
Article 10
Goods imported or exported in the opening cities and areas of which
the import and export are restricted by the State or governed by the
licence regulations of the State shall be handled according to the State
Article 11
Smuggling acts in violation of these Regulations and other
stipulations of the Customs and other acts violating the supervision and
control stipulations of the Customs shall be dealt with according to "The
Customs Law of the People's Republic of China" and other relevant laws and
Article 12
These Regulations shall go into effect on April 1, 1989.


人事部 劳动部





胡 芬
